How to Defeat Discouragement

Discouragement is one of the most effective weapons in the Evil One’s arsenal. Therefore, we need to know how to defeat discouragement. You may be discouraged right now because of some kind of adversity in your life. It may be a health crisis, a marriage crisis, a parental crisis, a financial crisis, a career crisis, or whatever.

All of us have bouts with discouragement. When we are discouraged, we feel like giving up because we are disheartened, dispirited, and defeated. However, the more we try to live for the Lord, the more we will have to battle discouragement because it is the devil’s choice weapon. That’s why, over and over again, we read in the Bible: “Do not be discouraged.” The New Testament uses words and phrases like weary, faint, lose heart, give up, and dismayed to describe discouragement. What wonderful promise about discouragement does God give us in Galatians 6:9?

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